What’s Next? Tag You’re It. What’s YOUR Intention?

Pamela Conley Ulich
3 min readNov 4, 2020

Today is Wednesday, November 4th. One week from today is Veteran’s day. Three weeks and a day from today is Thanksgiving 2020, and as of today there is still no cure for COVID.

What are you feeling today? What will you focus on? Will you embrace faith that all will be well? Will you lean into fear of not knowing the precise election results or whether a cure for Covid is coming?

Can we collectively focus on the future and how we can make it better tomorrow than today? We have the power to choose our path- one step at a time or one breath at a time.

This morning we don’t know the precise election results, but we can see the tweets by President Trump and Vice President Biden. At the local level, we can see that newcomer Bruce Lee Silverstein appears to have won followed by Steve Uhring and Paul Grisanti who were only a handful of votes apart.

Rather than react, can we just breath in this mostly sunny day and clear day? Can we pet our puppies, or go for a walk or stay still and calm? Can we say a prayer of gratitude that we live in the United States of America and in the City of Angels? Can we choose to live in peace and at peace?

This morning I also read my emails. One resonated with me. It was sent by the former first lady of California, Maria Shriver.

Maria has witnessed many elections in her life. She’s seen joy, despair, victories and defeat. When I ran against her brother Bobby Shriver for LA County 3rd Supervisor seat, I saw her inspire and encourage others to take action day in and day out. Today is no exception.

When I read about her first hand recollections of growing up with elections, I felt many similar emotions. My Dad ran for office in Kansas City, Missouri when I was about 10 or so years old. I remember feeling sad and angry after my father’s election signs were stolen many times. My 10 year-old mind wanted to go and pull down his rival’s signs, but my Dad taught me that was not the way. He taught me to live with honor and when/if they go low, we go high — as many others have said.

I was inspired to share this today, even though I have so many other things on my to-do list, in part, because of Maria’s email which urges us to:

“Write down the story you want to tell those who aren’t here. Write down your part and then write down your intention for our shared future. If it’s not a shared one, I fear we won’t have one at all.

As usual, it’s up to us. As the Hopi poem says, we are the ones we have been waiting for. Now let’s build what we’ve been waiting for and what we’ve worked for.

Let’s build what we deserve.

Fired up, ready to go!”

So here is my intention. As I share it with you, I ask only that you join me and write your own intention and share it with the world as well.

Today, I pray that we will all find our way. I pray we will embrace love and understanding. That we will remember at the end of today and tomorrow, we are all neighbors and we are all here to help each other. Thank you for giving us this day, this Country and this opportunity to learn from life’s lessons and to be a force for light and love.

May we stay calm, strong, filled with gratitude, Grace, and love always,

Pamela Conley Ulich



Pamela Conley Ulich

Girl from Kansas living the California dream. Believes we can make the world better when we search for truth and bring love every day. PamelaConleyUlich.com