Pro Choice v. Pro Life

Pamela Conley Ulich
1 min readJun 27, 2020

Did Covid Change You? Be Honest.

For the most part Democrats are pro-choice. Republicans are pro-life.

So why does it appear many Democrats have become pro-life and Republicans become pro-choice in Covid times?

How do we know Democrats are pro-life?

They wear masks and they worry about saving the lives of those at risk.

How do we know Republicans have become pro-choice?

They look at mask wearing as taking away their liberty and choices on how to live their life. Last week at West Palm Beach, many of these begged the City Council not to require Masks because it would ruin their lives. Don’t believe me? Watch this:

What now?

Some organizations and work places are instituting a color coded wrist band method to communicate with others your level of comfort when it comes to life in Covid times. Chose Green ? High five and hugs are ok. Chose Yellow? I’m good with talking but no touching. Chose Red? I’m keeping my distance.

I can’t believe it — but many Democrats who wear masks now wear red wrist bands to show they are staying away from each other and saving lives.

What’s on your wrist? Can we replace anger with respect for all regardless of our choices for liberty and/or life?



Pamela Conley Ulich

Girl from Kansas living the California dream. Believes we can make the world better when we search for truth and bring love every day.