My Mom, Dad and Daughter on our Last Trip to Hawaii

My Mom’s Final Message for 2020 — When Life Hits Hard, Like A Wave . . .

Pamela Conley Ulich


My mom was a warrior. She was a fighter to the end. Covid may have killed her, but I will have no fear as I begin this new year.

I couldn’t be with her as she took her last breath, but her incredible Warrior nurse Kathy was there with her and shared with me what happened. On May 5, 2020, my mom took her last breath at precisely 12:00 p.m. — just when church bells were ringing to mark high noon. Now, when I hear a bell ring, I think of my Mom transitioning to a peaceful, better place, where she can breathe freely and feel no pain, only peace.

This is my first Christmas without her physical presence, but I could feel her still sending me signs and messages. One such message, I received today, the day after Christmas, is this.

When Life Hits Hard Like a Wave.

The picture was taken about four or so years ago on our last trip with Mom to Hawaii. Mom was determined to get in the ocean and was equipped with her pink floatation device and her granddaughter and husband faithfully by her side to support her.

’Twas the day after Christmas, when watching the sun rise a picture of Mom appeared,

In it was Mom falling from a rogue wave, and it filled me with lots of fear.

Mom stumbled to prepare, but lost her balance and fell to the ocean floor,

with her pink floatie wrapped around her, she fell with a roar,

She did not die, she did not cry, but instead began to laugh,

My Dad knew for sure then, she was his better half.

Her message to me forever lives on.

Life, like a wave, can sometimes hit hard,

We can just breath, get back up and always fight on.

Thank you Mom and all friends, whose live shines on bright.

May this new Year be filled with fresh breath and may we find peace, strength and calm.

Thank you family, friends and fellow fighters who help bring healing, as we navigate 2021 and finds new ways to breath and get our “work” done.



Pamela Conley Ulich

Girl from Kansas living the California dream. Believes we can make the world better when we search for truth and bring love every day.