2021 — Here We Come: May we Chose our Path Wisely.

Pamela Conley Ulich
4 min readJan 7, 2021

What Are YOUR Goals?

Which Path Will You Chose for YOUR Life?

In 2021, my goal is to use the G-Force Mindset to Get It Done (It = Life).

Science tells us that if we write down our goals, they are more likely to happen according to science. “Vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t. That’s a pretty big difference in goal achievement just from writing your goals on a piece of paper.

So why does writing your goals help? It’s an important thing to know; after all, it might seem like a lot of extra work to write something down when you can just as easily store it in your brain, right?

Writing things down happens on two levels: external storage and encoding. External storage is easy to explain: you’re storing the information contained in your goal in a location (e.g. a piece of paper) that is very easy to access and review at any time.”

What is G-Force?

We can think of it like gravity, it is all around us and affects us without us even thinking about it.
According to Wikipedia, “The g-force experienced by an object is due to the vector sum of all non-gravitational and non-electromagnetic forces acting on an object’s freedom to move.”

For me, 2021 is the year to get “IT” done using what I have called the G-Force mindset — the sister to the growth and strategic mindsets. It also compliments the 8 characteristics of Authentic Self and intent practice which I learned from doing Yoga over the years

My goals and G-Force Mindset may differ from yours, but I hope you will take this opportunity to make your own Goals and write them down.

G-Force Mindset/Goals:

  1. God. Creator. Whatever the “force” may be that helped bring me and this moment into being. I will call upon this life force strength to help and heal me and the world. I will learn to let go let God for those situations, people or events I may encounter today that I can not control. My fight or flight instincts will be given to this force for God and for good.
  2. Grace. Grace is the perfect complement to God. It can enhance all the situations I encounter. It is more of a feminist force that seeks to “attend and befriend” as opposed to “fight and flight”. I will ask for Grace to guide me and help keep me not only strong, but calm.
  3. Grit. Grit is the ability to commit to learn the lessons from the mistakes made throughout the day. When life kicks us down, we can get up again and with gusto. I commit to practicing a way to push through when I want to simply give up.
  4. Gratitude. Every day I will thank God for at least 3 things. It can be as simple as the air I breath, the water I am able to drink, and for having shelter from a storm. I will write down 3 things. Every. Single. Day.
  5. Growth. I will pray that I can make some type of progress every day. Many believe there are only 2 states to living — growing or dying. I hope I can make progress every day — even if it’s just writing in a journal or connecting to a loved one.

Yesterday, on January 6, 2021, what we witnessed at the Capital and across DC and our country, may live in “Infamy” in our nation’s heart and soul, but I was reminded this morning that what we witnessed also happened on the day of “Epiphany”.

Today, I will remember what I witnessed last night on C-Span when the Senate confirmed our new President Biden. Today, I will remember when the Vice President stood his ground. I will also remember how some Senators change their votes to support Democracy. Indeed, the G-Force mindset, is urging me to see those votes (e.g. Georgia’s Former Senator Loeffler who just lost her election) as a sign, that there is goodness, truth and light in people who may think differently than me. For today, I will continue to hope and pray our entire country can make a choice to follow the path towards healing, and be the light, love and peace we all need.



Pamela Conley Ulich

Girl from Kansas living the California dream. Believes we can make the world better when we search for truth and bring love every day. PamelaConleyUlich.com